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Controlled remotely by acoustic waves, Sound Induced Morphogenesis (SIM) allows to pattern biological material such as cells, organoids, or tissue fragments into three-dimensional constructs that develop into engineered tissues, for example microvascular networks.


SIM is an exclusive process to reproduce the fundamental steps of nature’s design strategy: condensing bioactives and pattern formation control. 

Patterning of living
building blocks

Cells, Spheroids, Organoids, Micrografts

Patterning of particles

Calcium phosphate, Hydrogel precursors, Polymer microbeads

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Controlled condensation and defined wide length scale, from micrometer to centimeter.


Cell friendly, contact-less process that does not impair cell viability and metabolic activity.


A process that speaks the industrial language.

Fast creation of multicellular architectures


Create multicellular architectures within seconds

Cell friendly and contactless process


Contactless & mild process. Phenotype cell viability & metabolic activity preserved

simple bilofabrication process


Create architectures of materials of choice with a large bank of sound profiles

Our SIM-Discovery tool

Overcomes limitations

Creates physiologically relevant engineered tissue constructs and in vitro models

Allows full control

Overcome majors challenges by controlling cell density enhancement and pattern formation

Standalone & Compact

Compatible with any lab hood or biosafety cabinet


Evolutive & upgradable architecture with cross linking, thermal management and predictive design tools


Easily accessible and ready to use kits, including materials of natural or synthetic origin based on a variety of crosslinking strategies will address your needs and lead your experiments on cymatiX® to success.



Engineering Sensory Ganglion Multicellular System to Model Tissue Nerve Ingrowth

Advanced Science (2023)

Discogenic pain is associated with deep nerve ingrowth in annulus fibrosus tissue (AF) of intervertebral disc (IVD). To model AF nerve ingrowth, primary bovine dorsal root ganglion (DRG) micro-scale tissue units...

Differential proteomics profile of microcapillary networks in response to sound pattern-driven local cell density enhancement

ScienceDirect (2024)

Spatial cell organization and biofabrication of microcapillary networks in vitro has a great potential in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. This study explores the impact of...

Sound-based assembly of a microcapillary network in a saturn-like tumor model for drug testing

ScienceDirect (2022)

The tumor microenvironment (TME), consisting of extracellular matrix, proteins, stromal cells, and a vascular system, is reported to have a key role in cancer progression and prognosis. Thereby, the interaction between...

Surface waves control bacterial attachment and formation of biofilms in thin layers

Science Advances (2020)

Formation of bacterial biofilms on solid surfaces within a fluid starts when bacteria attach to the substrate. Understanding environmental factors affecting the attachment and...

Engineering Anisotropic Muscle Tissue using Acoustic Cell Patterning

Advanced Materials (2018)

Tissue engineering has offered unique opportunities for disease modeling and regenerative medicine; however, the success of these strategies is dependent on faithful reproduction of native cellular organization. Here, it is reported that...

Sound-induced morphogenesis of multicellular systems for rapid orchestration of vascular networks

Biofabrication (2020)

Morphogenesis, a complex process, ubiquitous in developmental biology and many pathologies, is based on self-patterning of cells. Spatial patterns of cells, organoids, or inorganic particles can be forced on demand using acoustic surface standing waves, such as the Faraday waves.

Advanced Contactless Bioassembly Approaches: Leveraging Sound, Optical, and Magnetic Fields

Advanced NanoBiomed Research (2025)

The native structure of tissues and organs is characterized by a hierarchical architecture, where various cell types and extracellular matrix components are closely interconnected. The precise organization...

FastSkin® Concept: A Novel Treatment for Complex Acute and Chronic Wound Management

Journal of Clinical Medicine

Successful treatments for acute and chronic skin wounds remain challenging. The goal of this proof-of-concept study was to assess the technical feasibility and safety of a novel wound treatment solution, FastSkin®, in a pig model. FastSkin® was prepared from skin micrografts patterned in blood using acoustic waves.

Audible sound-controlled spatiotemporal patterns in out-of equilibrium systems

Nature Chemistry (2020)

Naturally occurring spatiotemporal patterns typically have a predictable pattern design and are reproducible over several cycles. However, the patterns obtained from artificially designed out-of-equilibrium chemical...

Micro-scale assembly directed by liquid

Advanced Materials (2014)

A liquid surface established by standing waves is used as a dynamically reconfigurable template to assemble microscale materials into ordered, symmetric structures in a scalable and parallel manner.

​Biotunable acoustic node assembly of organoids

Advanced Healthcare Materials (2015)

Bioengineering of 3D microtissues from cell spheroids is demonstrated by employing the vibration of acoustic standing waves and its hydrodynamic effect at the bottom of a liquid-carrier chamber.

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